
Schools and Universities

Document Management for Schools and Universities

Schools and academies have libraries of paperwork to store and records to keep for years not just for reference but for recreation and keeping them intact in physical form and making them available both digitally and making physical copies presents a whole new set of challenges besides just stocking them in shelves.

Schools and Academies maintain a lot of files and records for administration purpose, making records available to interested stakeholders be it the student, parent, employers, verification bodies, investigators, etc. They are also required to store student records for a minimum of 3 years from date of the last entry [source: North Yorkshire County Council ] and permanent records may need to be stored for 60 years, some schools may choose to store them indefinitely. That is a long term to be taking care of those papers and they will inevitably be subjected to wear and tear due to frequent use or natural overtime. It’s imperative to convert them to a modern digital format to ensure the documents and records last over the years.

Document Management for Schools and Universities

Besides storing student enrolment forms, Annual Reports, Parental Authorities, Medical issues, course choices, Exam papers, Careers information, etc due to a shift in education mediums from just classroom to virtual classes and digital videos they have to additionally store videos, audios, e-books, presentations and other course material for reference even after they are replaced by newer resources.

Why Docusoft is the best of available document management systems for schools and universities.

When it comes to choosing anything, you intend to use for a long period it’s important to not just look at the present state of a software but also its ability to stay relevant for the years to come and be able to evolve and expand as the years go by and technology and regulations shifts according to the business and legislative landscape. Docusoft has been serving in the document management industry for over two decades and gone from being a single window application to an entire practice management system while still retaining its easy-to-use and consistent interface yet adapting to the modern look and feel.Our Document management system implements all the latest tools and techniques to ensure we bring the best functionalities to make life easier while ensuring the safety and integrity of your data. All your records across various departments be it administrative, reception, classrooms or the students out on a field trip be stored in a single repository and be made available to authorized users on their office desktops, laptops, tablets and even android/iOS smartphones!

Arrange a demonstration to see how it works

You may transfer confidential and sensitive information/documents using our encrypted portal instead of regular emails making it exchange secure and facilitating digital signatures and seeking user approval. The administrative team is sure to love these features as it saves time, effort and cost. Furthermore, all of your data is managed and back up by us, so that takes away a considerable portion of expense incurred in the IT segment.

Docusoft Cloud is a combination of several tools including Document Management System that you can use to store the documents and records, CRM system that can be used to manage student/staff information, Portal to exchange documents securely, DocuDrive to store general data such as videos, e-books and presentations; these being the most prominent of our tools and we also include tools such as email, contacts manager, document editor, spreadsheet editor, tasks manager, calendar, etc. Moreover, all these tools share data across all tools and processes can be automated to save time and effort but also ensuring a standard process and output.

The benefits of Docusoft for Schools and Universities

Docusoft CloudFiler
Storing all your documents in one place, easy to find, easy to manage, shared easily and securely.
Any Time, Any Place, Any Device