Document Management for Manufacturing

Why Docusoft is an ideal document management software for the manufacturing sector…
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Docusoft CloudFiler offers enhanced accessibility to documents and files by allowing access to be regulated and restricted to specific folders, users or departments/teams. With a regular web browser interface, a windows desktop application and android & iOS mobile app for occasional access, the software’s user interface makes it easy to file and access any document type in its native format and source, and simplify the indexing of case documents. Case correspondence such as e-mails can be automatically indexed or simply filed directly from Microsoft Outlook. Locating and reviewing of case document and activities is made very easy for stakeholders and also regulatory authorities. Each digital document has its own individual audit trail, recording every action such as filing date, who accessed, approvals, etc.
The benefits of Docusoft for Manufacturing firms
Docusoft CloudFiler
Storing all your documents in one place, easy to find, easy to manage, shared easily and securely.
Any Time, Any Place, Any Device